In the course of the declared two-day visit to Srinagar, Modi promised to return Jammu & Kashmir
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In the course of the declared two-day visit to Srinagar, Modi promised to return Jammu & Kashmir

The Prime Minister of India stated just recently the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be soon restored; Thursday spoke in Srinagar.

This announcement occurred as frequently increasing uncertainty in the region’s constitutional status and its demand for autonomy as several calls for rollback were witnessed.

To convey their dislike against Narendra Modi’s visit to the region, All Parties Hurriyat Conference has asked people to observe a complete strike in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir today- Friday.

The previous BJP led governmentAngular brackets: The previous BJP led administration also sparked a lot of controversy by abrogating Article 370 and stripping the state of its autonomy through a presidential order in August 2019.

Whenever the indigenous people of India come from outside the state, they cannot settle, buy immovable properties, work under the state governed institutions, nor be given scholarships for education as restricted by the Article no. 370 of the Constitution of India.

The matter of the disputed land still remains one of the oldest to do with the UN Security Council and has been a subject of conflict between India and Pakistan since 1947.

In an NDTV report, Modi suggested that Jammu and Kashmir would become a state again, with an assembly of its own choices once more within the next few months, when he landed here on Thursday evening for a two-day working visit.

The state has been under President’s Rule for nearly six years and the assembly election last took place in 2014.

He also mentioned the recent terrorist aggressions in Jammu and Kashmir while at an event to remind the nation of India’s continuing determination to “teach the aggressors a lesson for their misdeeds against peace.”

One day, God willing, the state of Jammu and Kashmir will construct a future that is even better for it.

Furthermore, the Indian prime minister gave his blessings and initiated 84 projects that are in the sectors of health, education and infrastructural development.

But the All Parties Hurriyat Conference pointed out that we did not accept any of the anti-Kashmir goals of the BJP-led Hindutva government of India.

According to Kashmir Media Service, advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas, an APHC spokesman, made the announcement about the shutdown call in Srinagar.

The aim of the closure is to demonstrate opposition to the illegal occupation by India and to reaffirm the continuous demand for a resolution to the Kashmir problem in order to foster regional peace.

The walkout, the statement said, also opposes property seizures, firings of government personnel from Kashmir, taking away their political rights as guaranteed by Articles 370 and 35A, and ongoing atrocities.

The APHC has called on the people of IIOJK to take part in the shutdown and demonstrate against the oppressive measures taken by the Indian government.

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